Are you curious about landscape-pricing? Many times people doing research about landscaping are interested in doing something with their landscaping. Often we get inquiries from people who have seen something they like but do not know if they can afford it or not. This page was developed to give some general pricing for some popular landscaping items.
Here is the first number you should think about ? the approximate cost of your overall landscaping will probably be between 5 to 10% of the value of your house. This is a very good number to remember, especially if you are building a new home and have no landscaping. Use that number to give you a landscape-pricing budget number for doing the basic landscaping. It can be even higher than that if you want an elaborate landscape.
Pellentesque nec mi quam. Vivamus tristique semper orci et aliquet. Ut in nisl nec est eleifend fermentum et eget sem. Morbi vulputate tortor nec nibh dapibus nec fringilla leo consequat. Pellentesque nec nulla in mi eleifend posuere aliquam et mauris. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. The estimated costs below are simple that ? estimates. I tried to use approximate range of costs associated with certain popular items. However, there is no set price for many items because there are many variables that need to be taken into account when doing a final cost estimate on a project. Pellentesque nec mi quam. Vivamus tristique semper orci et aliquet. Ut in nisl nec est eleifend fermentum et eget sem. Morbi vulputate tortor nec nibh dapibus nec fringilla leo consequat. Pellentesque nec nulla in mi eleifend posuere aliquam et mauris. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Utin nisl nec est eleifend fermentum et eget sem.
Nulla diamano ligula, consectetur vitaemo egestas sit amet, porttitor sit amet ligula. Nam blandit volutpat eros nec bibendum. Nam quisco vehicula nisl. Fusce vehicula posuere anteroso. Mauris nuncom sapien, ullamcorper quis gravida quis, consequat sed mauris consectetur vitae egestas sit amet.
$45.00 per yard
Local delivery add $30.00.
Call 1-123-123-1234 to order
Nulla diamano ligula, consectetur vitaemo egestas sit amet, porttitor sit amet ligula. Nam blandit volutpat eros nec bibendum. Nam quisco vehicula nisl. Fusce vehicula posuere anteroso. Mauris nuncom sapien, ullamcorper quis gravida quis, consequat sed mauris consectetur vitae egestas sit amet
1 yard $69.00
2 yards $94.00
3 yards $119.00
Price include local delivery.
Call 1-123-123-1234 to order
Nulla diamano ligula, consectetur vitaemo egestas sit amet, porttitor sit amet ligula. Nam blandit volutpat eros nec bibendum. Nam quisco vehicula nisl. Fusce vehicula posuere anteroso. Mauris nuncom sapien, ullamcorper quis gravida quis, consequat sed mauris consectetur vitae egestas sit amet.
$40.00 per yard
Local delivery add $30.00.
Call 1-123-123-1234 to order
Nulla diamano ligula, consectetur vitaemo egestas sit amet, porttitor sit amet ligula. Nam blandit volutpat eros nec bibendum. Nam quisco vehicula nisl. Fusce vehicula posuere anteroso. Mauris nuncom sapien, ullamcorper quis gravida quis, consequat sed mauris consectetur vitae egestas sit amet
1 yard $69.00
2 yards $94.00
3 yards $119.00
Price include local delivery.
Call 1-123-123-1234 to order
- All projects pricing is based on the sum of the labor, equipment and materials. There are factors that will drive all of those items up above the basic price.
- The price of the exact material chosen – In some cases there is a wide variation in the cost of materials. High-end unique products may double or triple the final cost.
- The access to a project – If access is poor and equipment and materials cannot be easily gotten to the site, the price goes up.
- Is there removal of old materials prior to installing? Removal and disposal costs add to the final cost.
Edging $2 - $10 per linear foot – again a wide range of product costs from basic plastic edging to concrete or stone edging.
Pavers Installed - $13 - $20 per square foot. Usually the lower the square footage, the higher the price. Use $15 per square foot for a basic paver installation and you will be close.
Natural Stone walks and patios - $15 - $35 per square foot. The type of material is again a key factor.
Modular Block walls - $20 - $45 per square foot. There is a wide range of prices on these materials.